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The Volkslift work force is reaching 400 persons, whereas 16% have a graduate degree, 24% a vocational degree and 55% a high school degree. The average age is 35 years.

The registered capital is over 30 Mio. EUR. The company covers 214,000 qm for standard workshop and manufacturing center of core parts, which will be doubled in 2015. VOLKLSIFT has a 108 m high test tower, six test shafts and a high speed elevator running 7 m/s that has been successfully tested, as well as industrial leading product quality and R&D capability. It can manufacture more than 30,000 Elevators annually. European flexible sheet metal processing production line, robot automatic welding system and other advanced equipment have been introduced based on substantial investments, so as to realize modern professional elevator enterprise featured in high efficient production and high quality.

Thanks to the outstanding control system, advanced technology and consistent quality, VOLKLSIFT is recognized as a leading German brand and product in Europe and worldwide.

Customer benefits:

  1. German-based Joint venture
  2. Wide range of products and functions
  3. Top German and European elevator components
  4. Experienced global supplier
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